Sep 5, 2017

Quick Calendar Update + Cut Lines

I have had a couple of questions about the cut lines so this is just a quick show and tell that I hope will help. When I get my calendar project finished I will post more information.
I wasn't prepared to post this yet so this is just a quick pic. If you look at the top of this calendar page I drew some arrows of where to cut. You want to cut on the boxed lines across the top, as well as in between each month. For my purposes I ignore the outside single bleed lines.
You can see here I have one of my months completed. There should be room to place a staple if you want to put all the months together like a tear off. I have chose to do the month's individually so that I can design each for the holiday/season. In this example I cut a backer that measures 3 7/8 x 2 7/8. You also can't tell with the angle of this photo but I printed onto cardstock and foiled it in gold like my background paper.

Another tip, because I print on cardstock from my manual feed on my printer it inevitably pulls crooked. The cut lines down the edge makes it easier to line up the 3 sets along the edge of my trimmer (as opposed to just putting the cardstock flush to the bottom guide and cutting from the top line only).

Hope this helps. I will post another update when I get the project finished.

UPDATE: Make sure your print setting is set at actual size and not fit to page to allow for the bleed and crop lines.

Happy crafting!

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